Mgr. art. Vladimír Ganaj, ArtD.



2022-2024 University teacher of 3D and raster graphics, drawing and painting, Head of the Fine arts department at Prešovská univerzita v Prešove

2021-2022 Figural drawing, painting, 3D and raster graphics teacher at Súkromná škola umeleckého priemyslu v Nitre

2019-2021 Printmaking, drawing, art history and sculpture teacher at Súkromná škola umeleckého priemyslu v Kremnici

2019 3D environment, prop and level design at Neutraworks, Nitra




2016-2019 Doctor study, Atelier of drawing and classical painting techniques at prof. Ľudovít HološkaAkadémia Umení v Banskej Bystrici

2014-2016 Master study, Atelier of painting at prof. Stanislav BalkoAkadémia Umení v Banskej Bystrici

Winter semester 2012-2013 Erasmus student mobility in Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny Illes Balears in Palma de Mallorca

2010-2014 Bachelor study, Atelier of drawing and classical painting techniques at prof. Ľudovít Hološka, Akadémia Umení v Banskej Bystrici

2006-2010 Gymnázium Jána Adama Raymana, Prešov




2020-2022 Pedagogic education - fine arts department, Prešovská univerzita v Prešove

2007-2010 Private studies of drawing, printmaking and painting at doc. Peter Kocák, PhD., akad. mal.

2004-2009 Štátna Jazyková Škola v Prešove, state exam in English language at the C1 level taken in 2009




2022-2024 Story and script for the indie pc game Felvidek by Jozef (Brozef) Pavelka

2021 Jewellery modeller and renderer for jewel designer Mgr. Pavlína Pélyová

2021 Character modeller at Zimasoftware for the adventure PC game Polda 7




Solo exhibitions

Medzimesto, NERV Platforma, Humenné, 2024 (curated by MgA. Maja Daneková)

Lesná cestička osvetlená semaforom, Galéria NBS - Múzeum mincí a medailí Kremnica, 2024 (with MgA. Maja Daneková, curated by Mgr. art. Adam Macko, ArtD.)

Characters, 2024, Vedecká knižnica v Prešove, Window gallery

S(TA)K, Oddelenie umenia - Podtatranská knižnica v Poprade, 2023-2024 (curated by MgA. Maja Daneková)

MIX, 2023, Univerzitná knižnica Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove (curated by Mgr. art. Adam Macko, ArtD.)

Planý vzduch (plein air), 2023, Vedecká knižnica v Prešove, Window gallery

Plané maľby, 2022, Snina Chateaux (curated by Mgr. Edita Kavčáková)

Atlas figúr v kyberkultúre, 2021-2022, NERV Platforma in Humenné (curated by Jana Bercelová, BA)

Vzťahy, 2020, Slovenské národné múzeum - Múzeum rusínskej kultúry in Prešov (curated by PaedDr. Daniela Kapráľová)

Intimita, 2019, Múzeum a kultúrne centrum in Trebišov (curated by Mgr. Jozef Ridilla)

Sociologická expresia, 2018, Nástupište 1-12 in Topoľčany (with Mgr. art. Patrik Kucha)

Archeológia obrazu, 2018, Šarišská galéria in Prešov (curator PhDr. Miroslav Kleban, PhD.)

Expresia, 2017, University library of UNIPO in Prešov (with Mgr. art. Miloš Grežďo, curator doc. Peter Kocák, PhD., akad. mal.)



Collective exhibitions

International Plein Air Painting Stary Sącz, IMO Galeria, Stary Sacz, 2024


nature (at) work, Krajská galéria v Prešove, 2024 (curated by Mgr. art. Adam Macko, ArtD.)

The pain of others, international online collective exhibition by The starving artist initiative:, 2023

International Art Project “Art Axis”, Center for Architecture, Design, and Urbanism “Powder TOWER”, Lviv, 2023

International Art Project “Art Axis”, Art Gallery of the Yaroslav the Wise National Library, Kyiv, 2023

Nová citlivosť, part of the outdoors international festival Into the miracles organised by Divadlo Potôň, 2023 (curated by Pavel Bakajsa)

Senzibility zbierkotvorby, EQO Priestor interaktívnej kultúry, Spišský Hrhov, 2022 (curated by Mgr. art. Adam Macko, ArtD.)

Pomimo - Sedem hriechov, Múzeum Vojtecha Löfflera, Košice, 2021

Pomimo - Sedem hriechov, Galéria Artotéka, City library of Bratislava, 2021 (curated by Mgr. art. Dávid Marcin)

Skice, NERV platforma, Humenné, 2021 (curated by Jana Bercelová, BA and PaedDr. Daniela Kapráľová)

Priviati vol. I, EQO Priestor interaktívnej kultúry, Spišský Hrhov, 2020 (curated by Mgr. art. Adam Macko, ArtD.)

Salón - 55 kremnických výtvarníkov, Galéria NBS - Múzeum mincí a medailí Kremnica, 2020

OBRAZ Ateliér klasických maliarskych disciplín prof. Ľudovíta Hološku, Městské muzeum a galerie, Bystřice n. Pernštejnem  (ČR), 2020

OBRAZ Ateliér klasických maliarskych disciplín prof. Ľudovíta Hološku, Galéria Statua, Bratislava, 2020

OBRAZ Ateliér klasických maliarskych disciplín prof. Ľudovíta Hološku, Kysucká galéria v Oščadnici, 2019-2020

OBRAZ Ateliér klasických maliarskych disciplín prof. Ľudovíta Hološku, Záhorská galéria Jána Mudrocha v Senici, 2019

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2019 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica (placed among winners of the workshop)

Mladé kone I., Galéria Koniareň in Trebišov, 2018

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2018 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica (placed among winners of the workshop)

Finish-down, 2017 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica

Young Art Show 10, 2017 in Piešťany

AD: Čerstvé ruiny, 2017 in KLUB in Košice

AD: Čerstvé ruiny, 2017 in EQO Spišský Hrhov

Pracovný názov: Bez názvu, Synagogue in Brezno, 2017

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2017 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica (placed among winners of the workshop)

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2016 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica

Still not it, 2015-2016 in Košice

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2015 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica (placed among winners of the workshop)

FIGURAMA 2015, 2015 in Pilsen

Kiállítás and Tornai Müinésztelep, 2014 in Moldava nad Bodvou

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2014 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica

FIGURAMA 2014, 2014 in Kutná Hora

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2013 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2011 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica

Exhibition of Workshop of figural drawing of prof. Boris Jirků, 2010 in Gallery Fx in Banská Bystrica







International painting triennial of carpathian region – silver quadrangle 2024, (member of the international qualification board), GALERIA SZTUKI WSPÓŁCZESNEJ W PRZEMYŚLU, 2024

Výtvarné spektrum 2024, jury member of the national fine arts competition, Vihorlatské múzeum v Humennom, 2024

198X (exhibition of paintings by Mgr. art. Adam Macko, ArtD.), Univerzitná knižnica Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, 2023-2024

Space voll. II. (exhibition of drawings by Frederik Suja), VD Laboratórium súčasného umenia, Banská Bystrica, 2023

Dúha (member of qualification board), Osvetové stredisko v Starej Ľubovni, 2023

Prosto Nebylytsi 2022 (member of international qualification board), Ukraine, 2023

Tribute to Bad (exhibition of drawings by Kristína Grežďová), SKLAD M1 - Akademie výtvarních umění, Prague, 2021

Lift me up (exhibition of paintings by Mgr. art. Adam Macko), Galéria súčasného umenia Koniareň, Trebišov, 2020

Zátišie (exhibition of paintings by Mgr. art. Matúš Niemiec), Malá Galéria MsKS v Michalovciach, 2019

Periférne koncentrácie súčasnosti vol.V (commentary on the exhibition Malé veci by Peter Cábocký), EQO v Spišskom Hrhove, 2018

Sociologická expresia, 2018, Nástupište 1-12 in Topoľčany

Protozoa, 2018 in Spišské podhradie (exhibition of paintings by Adam Macko)

Krivé zrkadlo, 2017 in GUS: essay for the exbition "Philosophical and psychological axioms of expressive art"

Finish-down, 2017 in Galéria Fx in Banská Bystrica

Pracovný názov: Bez názvu, 2017 in Brezno

AUDIT: Tektonická mytológia, 2017 in Brezno (exhibition of paintings by Adam Macko) 


Workshops created

Medzimesto – plenér, NERV platforma, Humenné 2024

Workshop digitálnych interpretácii II, EQO, Spišský Hrhov 2023

Workshop digitálnych interpretácii, EQO, Spišský Hrhov 2023

Periferné koncentrácie súčasnosti 2, EQO, Spišský Hrhov 2020


Workshops attended

10x FIGURAMA in Banská Bystrica 2010 - 2019 (2012 in Litomyšl, CZ) tutored by prof. Boris Jirků (4x placed among winners)

POMIMO workshop of comic drawing in Kremnica 2019 (tutored by Mgr. art. Martin Schwartz)

Workshop of drawn animation at FVU AKU BB in 2018

Zprinter 650 workshop at UNIPO in Prešov, 2016

FARO 3D scanning workshop at UNIPO in Prešov, 2016

ARTCAMP Figural drawing in Pilsen na FDU ZČU in 2012 tutored by MgA. Mgr. Pavel Trnka

Summer school of figural drawing in Praque at AVU in 2009

Workshop of figural drawing in Praque at UMPRUM in 2009


Cataloques, articles and publications

International Plein Air Painting Stary Sącz, IMO Galeria, Stary Sacz, 2024

My review of the exhibition of drawings by Ľudovít Hološka Denník koloristu at the ZGJM in Senica was published in PROFIL art magazine 1/2024

The pain of others, book publication of the international collective exhibition, Starving artist, 2023

The catalogue of the exhibition MIX, published by PULIB, 2023


Pomimo 7 sins - open call, 2020

Priviati vol. I, EQO, 2020

Salón - 55 kremnických výtvarníkov, Galéria NBS - Múzeum mincí a medailí Kremnica, 2020

OBRAZ Ateliér klasických maliarskych disciplín prof. Ľudovíta Hološku, Záhorská galéria Jána Mudrocha v Senici, 2019

Young Art Show 10, 2017






Publication of genetics research of the Department of biology at the FHPV, University of Prešov, member of KEGA project - illustrator and cover design, 2023-2024

Figural painting stipendium by FPU, 2021


Media and other

Articles about the exhibition Lesná cestička osvetlená semaformi in TASR,,,,,, 2024

Reviews of the PC game Felvidek published on,,,,,,,, and many videoreviews on, 2024

Articles about the collective exhibition nature (at) work published in,,,, 2024

Article about the collective exhibition Jurorzy Triennale 2024 published in, 2024

Interview on Devín radio about the collective exhibition nature(at)work by the curator Mgr. art. Adam Macko, ArtD., 2024

Articles about my solo exhibition Medzimesto published in,,, 2024

Articles about my solo exhibition MIX published in newspapers TASR, MY, PIS, Slovenský Večerník, Na PULZE, 2023

Authors' poetry reading in Hidepark, Nitra, 2022

2x concerts of Genetically Modified (my poetry reading and music by Juraj Figura): EQO: Toto nie je fest 2019, SKLAD M1 AVU Praha 2022

Interview on HNTV about my exhibition Atlas figúr v kyberkultúre in NERV platforma, 2022

2x interview on RTVS 2 (Priviati vol.I 2019, Vzťahy 2020)

3x interview on Rádio Regina (Archeológia obrazu 2018, Intimita 2019, Lift me up 2020)

Article about my art and exhibition Archeológia obrazu in Večerník 2019

Article about collective exhibition OBRAZ in Art 2020

Article about collective exhibition Still not enough in Flash Art 2017

Article about my solo exhibition Expresia in Na PUlze in 2017

In 2018, my graphic (dry point intaglio) was sold to Slovak national art collection (placed in the deposit of Šarišská galéria in Prešov).

The book Zlato na Slovensku / Gold in Slovakia has been published in 2018 and it cointains my illustration of Celtic way of gold mining.

In 2014, my poetry together with an interview was published in the Dotyky 6/2014 magazine.

Article about my work during the FIGURAMA 2012 in Litomyšl in the Art3 magazine.

My poetry is published on (user vlad03).

Alternative rock albums Genetically modified (2008) and GM: It is happening again (2017) based on my poetry and music by Juraj Figura.

My work is placed in many private collections.